Launched in Summer 2023, teachcoderepeat.com aims to give you access to useful resources that I have created and used in secondary classrooms when teaching Computing to KS3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) and GCSE Computer Science to KS4 (Year 10 & 11).
For those that are interested, the website has been created using Bootstrap for the front-end, whereas the backend has been built using the Flask framework and is hosted on Render, giving me a useful side project to keep practising my Python and full-stack skills up to date.
News and updates from Teach-Code-Repeat
Create a Football pitch using Python on TES
Released during Euro2024, this engaging worksheet for Y8 / Y9 students takes them step-by-step to create this football pitch using the Turtle library in Python!
KS4 Year 10 / 11 Python Cheatsheet on TES
This two-page, A4 Python help / cheat sheet is designed to provide pupils with relevant examples for a number of common programming tasks split into ten topics.
KS3 Python Workbook on TES
I created these Python programming workbooks for Year 8 and/or 9 students to introduce them step-by-step to a text-based programming language for the first time. Questions are suitable for offline answering, ensuring all pupils can engage with the workbook.
Bitmap Images
Get creative with our bitmap image designers. We have 1-bit (2 colour) or 2-bit (4 colour) versions available, with ready-made designs like Pikachu and Mario for motivation!
Create a printable word search
You can now create a printable word search puzzle by using our new website feature. The created PDF worksheets can be customised with a title, description and/or some instructions, size of the puzzle grid, and the difficulty.
Caesar Cipher
The Caesar Cipher is a simple encryption technique that is suitable for beginners to learn about encryption, but it is not secure against modern decryption methods. Learn about the Caesar Cipher algorithm with practical resources.
KS4 Summer Worksheets on TES
I created these programming activities worksheets (Python & VB.net) for GCSE Computer Science Year 10 pupils to carry out throughout the Summer holidays in order to ease their transition into Year 11.
Hello World Issue 20
It was a real privilege to have an article Weaving the real-world Internet published in issue 20 of Hello World magazine. It is such a great resource for all computing teachers with such good-quality, varied and practical content every issue.